

Tor is an internet browser famous mainly for 2 thing - it prides itself for providing anonymity, and it can give you access to darkweb (but you can of course use it like any other browser). It was developed in 1990 by US Navy for their needs of anonymous communication. Interestlingly, Tor is still up to this day partially financed by the US government. Tor is based on Mozilla Firefox, but it is blocking some of its add-ons and functions that could reveal user's identity (e.g. Flash, QuickTime). Just like Firefox, Tor is an open source software. This means its source code is available for everyone and if you think you can create a better version of Tor, nothing stands in your way (this process is called forking). Tor uses DuckDuckGo as its default search engine, which is another project that emphasizes on user's privacy.

How does browsing using Tor works? Before your request reaches the destination server, it will go through at least 3 Tor servers (or nodes) located all around the planet. The communication is working on encrypted links, only the link from last (exit) node to destination server is unencrypted. This will make you address untraceable, because the attacker would have to see all the links from your computer through each node, which is virtually impossible. On the other hand, this whole process is making Tor significantly slower than normal internet browsers, especially Chrome.

Author: Electronic Frontier Foundation, minor modifications by me. -, CC BY 3.0,

This page was created by Jan Havlíček in January 2021 as a final project from subject 2SE307 (FMV, VŠE Praha) 
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