If you want private and anonymous internet connection, VPN client is absolutely essential. VPN will create an encrypted tunnel through which all the communication will be flowing. How exactly does this work?

First, your data will be encrypted at your computer by your VPN client, then they will be send to VPN server, where they will be decrypted and then send to the server which contains the page you wanted to connect. This means that both your internet provider and the end server will only see the address of the VPN server and not your real IP address. This is extremely useful, especially when you are connecting to public Wi-Fi, where is a high risk of data breach. You can also avoid geo blocking (the situation when some content is only available in certain countries) or even avoid a local censorship.

However, VPN is not perfect. With your VPN on, your internet connection will be secure, but it will also be slower and with lower latency (e.g. playing online games with VPN on will be VERY frustrating, so it's better to just turn it off during gaming). Also, VPN is often misused to illegal activities and the IP address of VPN server can end on blacklist. And since those addresses are shared, it means you also won't be able to connect through that server. This is usually problem with large, well-known VPN providers, that can have wide range of IP addresses on blacklist. And last, the price. Running and maintaining all the servers simply requires some resources. The price of VPN is usually around 3-10 € / month. Yes, you can find free VPN clients, but those are mostly for one time use and not for someone who is interested in secure internet connection. Another thing is the actual privacy. All VPN providers will swear to God that they are not collecting your data, but there will always be the tiny grain of doubt...

There is also another problem. In most countries, VPN clients are (of course) completely legal. However, in some states, VPNs are illegal and using them could get you in serious trouble. VPNs are currently banned in Iraq, Belarus and North Korea and their use is heavily restricted in China, Russia, Turkey and UAE.

This page was created by Jan Havlíček in January 2021 as a final project from subject 2SE307 (FMV, VŠE Praha) 
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